Are you keeping an old industry fund or retail super account just so you can access group life insurance because it’s cheaper than buying retail insurance?

Now you can access wholesale group life insurance rates with an easy online application inside your SMSF with

Some Important Features of SMSF Master Trust Insurance:

  • Premiums can be paid monthly or annually as a direct debit from your nominated SMSF bank account.
  • Group rates means you can access pricing comparable to cover available at industry or retail super funds.
  • Minimum $50,000 cover with no upper limit, and easy online application.
  • Underwritten by AIA, one of the world’s largest and most trusted insurers.
  • Rollover terms available, which means you may not need to forgo your current benefit or waiting periods.
  • Satisfy trustees legal obligation to consider life insurance needs of SMSF members.

Holding life insurance through your SMSF can carry significant financial benefits.

You can read more about Life insurance here and find FAQ’s here.

Get an instant quote and buy online any time that suits you, you don’t have to speak to a person.

Full Product Disclosure Statement.

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Quotes for SMS Life Insurance are instant, and you can buy SMSF Life cover securely online.

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